Plexus Slim + Accelerater

Plexus Slim + Accelerater
One step, 100 advantages

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Recently I stopped taking my products.  I'll admit, I went through a short period of thinking maybe I was wasting money.  Boy was I wrong!  Here is what I learned:

Week 1 without :

  • Almost immediately, the dry skin and itchiness from my Eczema returned.  
  • I wasn't sleeping through the night any more
  • My desire to drink water was going away
  • My desire to eat sweets and carbs was returning
Week 2 without:
  • I was feeling fatigued
  • My sweets and carbs craving was uncontrollable (back to wanting candy every day)
  • My craving for fast food was returning rapidly
  • I was beginning to feel a little blue/sad
Week 3 without:
  • MAJOR cramping during my menstrual cycle
  • My attitude was getting bad - cranky, short tempered
  • I was feeling very overwhelmed and very blue, like I didn't want to do anything each day
  • By now I'm feeling very bloated and heavy because of all the candy and fast food
  • I was drinking at least one 20 oz soda per day now.
  • I was feeling irritable and angry at the stupidest things.
Week 4 without:
  • I ordered MORE! 
  • To hell with feeling like crap - I liked how I was feeling last month.
So there you have it.  I was on Plexus Products (Slim, Accelerator+, ProBio5, and BioCleanse) since April 2014 - and off for only 3 weeks.  Such a major difference.  

Don't believe me?  Do you have an iPad or some kind of device that you can track your feelings?  For 30 days track your feelings and crap food consumption.  Track it every day.  Think about how you're sleeping, how rested you feel.  Try on your favorite outfit - how does it fit you?  Take your weight today and your measurements.  At the end of the 30 days, weigh in again.  Re-read your diary.  Then order a one month supply and continue tracking for another 30 days.  If you don't notice a huge difference in how you feel call Customer Service to take advantage of your 60 day money back guarantee.  YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE!

When you're ready - call me or email me
