Plexus Slim + Accelerater

Plexus Slim + Accelerater
One step, 100 advantages


following PLEXUS testimonies:

Ambassador Trisha:
I have had fibro since I was a teen. It was to the point where I had to roll off the bed in the
morning and push myself up to a sitting position, had to inch my way off the couch, always hurt to
do even the most simple tasks. I was so depressed because I couldn't enjoy the things I have
loved all my life! I couldn't even get out and play with my kids! Since I started Plexus the first
week of April this year....I am now able to do most anything I want! I rarely even wake up with any
pain the in the mornings! I would say I have gotten 98%relief from my fibro symptoms and I am
once again LOVING LIFE!

Renee S.:
My name is Renee S., I live in Carthage, MS and I am 49 years old. I have suffered from several
different medical problems. A few of them are Fibromyalgia, Restless Leg Syndrome, insomnia,
stress, and the list goes on. Over the past few years of being on a lot of medications my weight
has continued to go up. The doctors have told me it would be hard for me to lose due to the side
effects of the medications. I started watching everything I eat, counting calories, etc. I did lose a
few pounds. Then Plexus came into my life, and the doctors told me to be careful with it due to
my blood pressure and not to get my hopes up.
“After a few days I noticed I was sleeping better, my pain level was a lot better and my legs were
not jumping and jerking as much; I thought ’This is great even if I don't lose weight.’ My weight
when I started on Nov. 5, 2011 was 159. I measured all the places I thought I had gained weight
and kept all this in a journal. I thought ’Well, the holidays are coming up so I probably won't lose,’
because I didn't diet, I just ate what I would normally eat but not as much.
“I did start losing even through Thanksgiving... then through Christmas, New Year's and I am still
losing. I have gone from 12/14 size pants to 9's, I have lost 15 lbs. which does not sound like
much but I have lost a total of 35 ½inches all over my body and my blood pressure has been fine.
I know by losing all these inches I am truly losing fat. My Doctors don’t know what to say, except
’WOW!’ I still have some more fat to lose but my goal is to look great in a bikini when I turn 50 in

Kerrie Parks Alford:
I have lost 2 pants sizes, 10 lbs. and lots of inches on just the slim. My fibromyalgia and arthritis
pain are greatly improved and I sleep better. My sister, who had her thyroid removed, now has
good thyroid levels and has lost over 30 lbs on just the slim and her carpal tunnel pain is gone.

Amy Hilterbran Bell:
I actually started on it because I have severe lupus SLE, and fibromyalgia. I've also had 2 back
surgeries in less than 2 years, only 9 months apart. I've been on countless numbers of meds for
the last several years, had severe fatigue and insomnia, and no energy at all. It took me about 3
weeks on Plexus before I noticed a difference. (taking slim, probio 5 and bio cleanse, but not
every day, b/c I also have IBS!) week 3 I noticed I would wake up in the morning by 8, could
accomplish errands or chores they the day, and not have to have a nap! This was huge! I also
noticed I was having severe lupus migraines. I would have a headache now and then but nothing
like I was use to. By week 4my clothes seemed to be loose. (I have weighed 142 for the last 8
years and could never get below that). I stepped on the scales, and weighed 136. I never thought
I would ever get below 140 every again! So I started weighing everyday, and day by day, the
number dropped. When I hit 132 I cried! A few days later I weighed and was 130! I took a picture
of the scale and posted it! I knew my husband wouldn't me if I didn't have proof! Lol. Just a few
days later I weighed 129.2!!!! That is where I am and have been for a few weeks. I'm completely
thrilled! I would love to weigh 125, but if not, no big deal. I have 4 kids, (18,17,12,and 10). I'll take
the 129!

Angela Alexander:
My Plexus Journey…After battling Thyroid Cancer back in 2003-2004. A year later I was
diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Osteoarthritis...With No thyroid, your weight fluctuates and is
difficult to control. After starting Plexus Slim in July 2011, I not Only Lost 2 Dress Sizes in 60
days, I was Pain Free from Fibro and Arthritis with the needle like pain and numbness in my
hands and feet, along with No more joint and muscle pain. I sleep all night, my Cholesterol came
down 25 points into normal range and I'm able to keep up with my 6 Grandchildren! I have not
only regained my Health and Energy that I had 20 years ago, but I'm in the best shape of my
adult life! I have kept the weight off and pain free for almost 2 years...LIFE CHANGING Results
and an Answer to Prayer...God brought me these All Natural Products!
Further testimony info from Angela Alexander:
I had severe pain for over 7 years from Fibromyalgia and Osteoarthritis...After being on the
Plexus combo and adding the Probio5 for about 30 days I was Pain Free and sleeping all night,
my energy level was that of when I was in my 20's...I was 46yrs when I started Plexus. I Also Lost
2 dress sizes in Only 60 days! I have been on the Plexus Products for almost 2 years and have
remained Pain Free with out any Rx meds and Kept the weight off...For me, the key was adding
the Probio5 to the Plexus combo...I also added the BioCleanse and my cholesterol came down
25 pts in normal range...
Further testimony info from Angela Alexander:
I take thyroid meds and I started on just the Pink drink, I lost 6 lbs in 8 days after about 2 weeks I
added the accelerator pill and Probio5. In about 30 days I lost the first dress size and was Pain
Free from Fibromyalgia and Osteoarthritis. After 60 days reached my goal size...Down 2 dress
sizes and have kept it off for almost 2 years on the Plexus Products!

Mary Martin:
Hi Everyone, Mary Martin here. When I talked to Jenn today and told her what happened to me
when I went without my "Pink Drink" for three days, she asked if she could share. Of course I
said, "Yes". After being on pain meds for so long just to be able to function, I am so excited to be
off of them. I had no idea what they were doing to me. I have been off all of the Fibromyalgia
meds since March. I have to admit I carry my pain meds with me when I travel, just in case. Last
week was the first time I have had to use them. Why? I had not had my 'Pink Drink' in 3 days and
on the 4th day, I had a flair up so severe I could barely stand. I took my pain meds and they
barely helped with the pain and they made me feel awful. When I was able to get to my Pink
Drink, I had one that night that made it possible for me to get out of bed the next morning with
very little discomfort. I drank another one when I got up the next morning to get back on track. I
was able to compete with my dog all day and still had energy to unpack the car when I got home.
If someone had told me 9 months ago I would be off all of the meds for my Fibromyalgia, I would
have laughed. I had seen postings on how people taking the "Pink Drink" were getting relief for
Fibromyalgia. “How could something so natural and easy to do, work? " But when you have
Fibromyalgia, you will try anything. I am so happy I did. Am I 100% pain free? No. But I will say,
95% and I'll take it, along with my "Pink Drink" and the bonus of feeling good and having energy I
have not seen in over 20 years. Thank You Jenn and Plexus for giving quality back to my life!
I started taking the Pink drink and Accelerator in June of 2013 then added the Bio Cleanse and
ProBio 5 in July. I have the Fast Relief capsules and Cream but have not used them yet. Relief
set in gradually, maybe 3 weeks? It is difficult to tell exactly how long it took for the pink drink to
start working because I was weaning myself off of prescription pain relief.

Jill Gurganus:
2 weeks on Plexus and I am off my Fibro and my arthritis meds already! And my pain from plantar
fasciitis is almost gone too! I was just about crippled with it!

April Hines Schoen:
Since June 6th I have been off my arthrotec for my fibromyalgia, I use the fast relief pain and
cream and for the last couple weeks been off my nexium for my stomach, taking the X factor. Off
2 meds, only have thyroid and anti-depressant to go.

Beth A W Larsen:
I have fibro, arthritis, carpal tunnel, IBS, spine pain and muscle spasms, with plexus drink and
accelerator I can go a whole day without cringing in pain and I can now play with my son daily.

Stephanie Koukari:
Hypothyroidism, Fibromaylgia and carpal tunnel - All 3 are doing really good with just plexus!
Gotta go get my pink drink!

Craig Melinda Cox:
No more sinus infections, sinus headaches, fibromyalgia pain, more focused and better memory.
Also..less anxiety : )

Jessica Mills Kiromi:
I've been taking remeron (45mgs) and 200 mgs of limotrigene for bipolar and borderline
personality and post traumatic stress, but I haven’t taken it since I started about eight or nine
days ago. I also take xanex for anxiety - was taking everyday only had to take once in five or six
days now. Still having trouble with menstrual problems though. I take the drink, accelerator, the
Probio 5 and the Fast Relief. I also plan to start the shake and bio cleanse soon. I’ve got less
pain from my fybromyalgia and chronic back pain from my RA and osteoarthritis. My breathing
seems to be a bit better as well. It seems I have COPD stage two emphysema. I’m thirty years
old, have two kids and seem to just be doing better. It is gradual but it took time for my health
problems to exist so it will take time to see what goes away. Good luck everyone! Best wishes!

CJ Deskin:
Fibromyalgia is gone, no Arthritis, Blood Pressure is down and haven’t had a headache
(migraine) since I started taking Plexus Slim Pink Drink Only, I also use the Fast Relief capsules
for an old auto accident injury they work great when needed.

Amee Arrington Eastman:
It's helped my health dramatically and not just from the weight loss. I have less Fibromyalgia pain,
I've been able to come off my blood pressure medicine, antidepressants, and 80% of my pain
medicine! I have energy now & before I had no energy due to Chronic Fatigue. Plexus works!!!

Wendy Gayle Turner:
Fibromyalgia ~ my personal Rheumatologist is taking it herself!!! Recommendations do not get
any better than that!

Cathy McCarty Kinney:
Fibromyalgia! I was shopping for a wheelchair now I play football with my grandsons, dance with
my granddaughters and can shop all day! Blood Pressure normal now, depression gone,
cholesterol down, acid reflux gone, allergies gone, didn't get pneumonia this year (had it every
year for 8 years) RA almost nonexistent. Hair looks healthier. I could go on and on. The best part

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