Plexus Slim + Accelerater

Plexus Slim + Accelerater
One step, 100 advantages

Why is Water so important?

It's simple, really. When you drink the 'Pink Drink' it breaks down sugars in your body, filtering through the liver before it hits the pancreas. When your pancreas isn't overworked your body naturally releases excess stored up fat from your body. The more water you drink, the quicker you flush the excess fat and sugars from your body.  Your body is made up of 80% water so it needs to be well hydrated in order to function properly. Several doctors and specialist such as Dr. Oz and Chris Powell suggest that you need half your body weight in water each & every day for your body to function at its best. Meaning a person weighing 180 lbs. would need to consume 90 ounces of water every day. That's only 4-5 bottles a day. Or better yet, get a large cup or even Route 44 water from Sonic and only have to refill it once or twice! You can do it! Your body will love you for it!

One of the ways Plexus Slim Works:
Our bodies are amazing as they have the ability to balance themselves when given the right tools.  In our research, we found that if we can get our blood sugar balanced then weight can come off naturally.  It is important to have balanced blood sugar level because it means our organs are working together in harmony with one another.  Many times one or more of our organs suffer from having to compensate for the other organ.  Sometimes it just takes getting one or two organs operating efficiently and then all of a sudden the rest are able to follow.  Our brain is so important in the whole process of weight loss.  There are important signals sent to the brain that may be blocked when our bodies are out of whack.  If you have an imbalanced blood sugar level, you may find that the signals sent to the brain are compromised and not in the right hormones necessary to tell you to stop eating.  Plexus Slim does something that is really hard to explain, but in short it jumps in and tells the brain that the mouth no longer needs more food.  You will probably find yourself feeling full on a lot less food.

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