Wow it's been 6 months since I started on my journey. I have tried just about every diet out there - and usually within a month I'm giving up. Until I found Plexus, I was starting to think this was just the way my life was going to be. Boy was I wrong!
I used to take Prozac and St. John's Wort for my "emotional/mental" issues. My menstrual cycle is pretty brutal. My emotions are severely up and down, I snap at the silliest things, and out of nowhere I will feel completely blue and destitute. Even with the Rx and the OTC I never did get a grip on it. I stub my toe, I get extremely angry. I dump beans in my lap, I will throw a fit. Since I started Plexus Slim and Accelerator+ I've been able to stop taking both of those things! And without any side effects. We all know what an anti-depressant can do for your sex life. Well, now that's not an issue.
With Slim, not only am I off the Rx and OTC, I am actually genuinely happier! I don't dread getting up in the morning. I enjoy it actually. I don't flip out over petty stuff. I have more energy - I don't feel foggy anymore and for the first time in over 20 years I am welcoming Winter!
I will admit that I have not lost the tons of weight that many of my Plexus friends have. I have lost a significant amount, but not enough to get me into a bikini...but you know what? Now, the look of my body doesn't bother me. I feel prettier. My skin is better! Yes, if you know me you also know that I have eczema. It's on my face around my nose, it's in my hair at the base of my scalp and it's on my elbows. Last year it was so bad on my elbows that if I bumped my elbow even slightly it would crack and bleed. Well now, since I've been getting healthier from the inside out thanks to Plexus products, you can't hardly even tell that I have it! Recently I added the Plexus Body Cream to my daily regime, and it's improving even more now! I haven't been in a tanning bed in over 2 months, and you wouldn't know it! I have lost a pant size, my rings fit better and my joints in my fingers don't bother me nearly as much as they used to. I would guess though, the main reason I haven't lost much weight is because I don't exactly eat healthy foods all the time.
Anyway, here's to my Happy 6 month Plexiversary! I look forward to what the next 6 months brings!
Oh and did I mention, that because I'm an Ambassador and I have customers (and make commissions off my own purchases) my Slim/Accelerator+ combo and my Body Cream are virtually free?
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